Dual monitor setups vs ultrawide displays - Which is better?

July 15, 2021

Dual Monitor Setups vs Ultrawide Displays - Which Is Better?

As the world becomes more technology-oriented, people spend more time in front of their computers. Whether it be for work or personal entertainment, a good display interface is always important. Monitors are essential tools in any computing setup, and the choice between multiple monitors and ultrawide displays is one that is often discussed. In this post, we’ll take a closer look at both options and give you an unbiased comparison of the two.

The Benefits of Dual Monitor Setups

Dual monitor setups have been around for a long time and are very popular. For anyone who has used one before, it’s easy to understand why. The main advantage of this configuration is the ability to multitask. With two screens, you can have multiple applications open simultaneously, allowing you to work more efficiently. You can have your work on one screen and your emails or charts on another.

Another benefit is that dual monitors are more customizable. They are easier to adjust to your needs, allowing you to position them as per your comfort. They are also cheaper when compared to ultrawide displays.

The Benefits of Ultrawide Displays

Ultrawide displays are relatively new compared to dual monitor setups but have gained popularity in recent years. The main advantage of an ultrawide display is the increased screen real estate. These monitors usually have an aspect ratio of 21:9, which means you have more horizontal space on your screen. This makes it easier to work on multiple windows without needing two monitors.

Ultrawide displays also have a more immersive view. The aspect ratio helps reduce the black bars when watching movies, videos, or playing games. This makes it an excellent option for those who enjoy streaming content.

The Comparison

When comparing dual monitor setups vs. ultrawide displays, there are a few things to keep in mind.

Screen size vs price

Ultrawide displays are undoubtedly more expensive than dual monitors. The price range for an ultrawide display is usually between $300-$1000, while you can get a dual monitor setup for under $200.


If your work requires you to handle multiple tasks simultaneously, then dual monitor setups might be the better option. However, if you only need to work on one task or if you work on creative projects that need more screen real estate, then ultrawide displays are ideal.

Image quality

Image quality is a critical factor when comparing these two. Dual monitor setups may offer higher resolution displays since you are getting two separate screens. However, ultrawide displays have better color accuracy, higher contrast, and brightness.


Ultrawide displays are not as portable as dual monitors. They are larger and difficult to carry. A dual monitor setup may be easier to transport in a bag.


So, which is better? Well, the answer isn’t so straightforward. Both have their pros and cons, and the choice ultimately depends on personal preference and requirements. Dual monitor setups are ideal for multitasking, are more affordable, and offer better resolution. While ultrawide displays offer an immersive view, more screen real estate, and better image quality. The type of work you do may also dictate what is best. For gamers and graphic designers, an ultrawide display is a must-have. For those who require multiple applications to be opened simultaneously, a dual monitor setup is probably the best solution.


  1. Dual versus Single Monitor Productivity: A Test of the Replacement Hypothesis (PDF)
  2. Ultrawide Monitors Are All the Rage (And for Good Reason)
  3. Ultrawide Monitor vs Dual Monitor – which is the Best Option for You?

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